Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blogspot 5: Famous works of Leonardo Da Vinci

    He was considered as the Renaissance Man. He is a mysterious artist who did a very controversial artworks. He is Leonardo Da Vinci, so I did a research about some of his famous artwork.

    I read an article entitled "'The Last Supper' by Leonardo Da Vinci" by Shelly Esaak of The article is in question and answer format. It is about The Last Supper that was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci. According to the article Leonardo was requested by Ludovico Sforza (Duke of Milan) to paint it. He was an employer of that Duke for 18 years. He began working on it in 1495 and finished it in 1498. The article says The Last Supper is very remarkable because the disciples are all displaying very human. Although he was not the one who painted the last supper first, his version is more natural, it is like real people acting as a real people. Also the its was considered as the greatest example of one point perspective. It directs in one attention, and its Christ's head. The painting was composed of the 12 disciples and Christ. "The Duke decided he wanted this particular religious scene of Jesus and the Apostles at the Last Supper painted and Leonardo, who was not stupid, decided painting it made perfect financial sense," says Shelly Esaak. 

    For me, this is one of the greatest work of Leonardo Da Vinci. This painting is still very controversial. Researchers still studying the mysteries behind it. But I think the main reason why this painting is well known is because the perspective was perfectly made. He rely in one attention and its Jesus Christ.

    I also read another article entitled "The Mona Lisa" by Leonardo da Vinci by Marion Boddy-Evans of The article tells about the famous painting, the Mona Lisa. It says that the the woman behind it was Lisa Gherardini, a wife of Francesco del Giocondo who was a cloth merchant in Florence. The articles says that the actual painting is now in the Lourve in Paris. It also says the reason of her smile is she was pregnant. The author said that he was disappointed when the first time he saw the painting, he said it was too small like you don't need to spread your arms out all the way to pick it up. He also suggested to visit or take a look at the actual painting. The article says that the more you look, the more you see. According to Marion Boddy-Evans, "Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting, in the Louvre in Paris, is arguably the most famous painting in the world." 

    I was disappointed when discovered that the painting is too small, I also thought that it is big or even huge. But for me, the size does not matter, what important is the passion and art behind it. 

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