Friday, April 11, 2014

Chapter 3: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

Chapter 3
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation


This paper tried to explain and clarify the different controversies about Leonardo Da Vinci’s life and works.

The research design used in this paper is descriptive research method wherein data and information gathered were used to answer the research question posed. The research findings are the following:

1.    Leonardo Da Vinci is one of the most famous painters in the entire history.
2.    He is also considered as the father of Science, technology and modern research.
3.    He was considered as the Renaissance Man.
4.    The greatest contribution of Da Vinci is that he studied anatomy by the use of corpses.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:
1.    Leonardo Da Vinci lived his life mysteriously since his early age.
2.    He has been professionally known by a lot of people during the Renaissance period.
3.    He has the greatest works that are still famous until now. Some of this are “Mona Lisa” and “The Last Supper”.
4.    When he dies, a lot of controversies raised about him.
5.    Until now, this controversies are still questioned whether they are true or not. It is believed that these controversies will still be alive in the future.

1.    Students with courses related to Arts and History should know that Leonardo is rather a famous man known in their field. Also, they should know that Leonardo’s history is all about controversies. They should know that these are some of the things famous artist will get through.
2.    Professors of Arts and History should know what to teach to their students. They should know that Leonardo’s life is not an easy topic to teach since there are questions lingering about him.
3.    Art Enthusiasts and Controversy addicts should know that famous controversies are still unanswered until now.
4.    Future Researchers should do the right thing on researching about Leonardo Da Vinci if ever they use this topic in the near time. Researching Leonardo Da Vinci is a critical one since controversies are always there.

Electronic Media
Shelley Essak (2012) Leonardo Da Vinci retrieved April 2, 2014 (
Jonathan Jones (2012, May 1) Is Leonardo da Vinci a great artist or a great scientist? Retrieved April 2, 2014 (
Jeremy Hsu (2012) Leonardo Da Vinci: Ultimate Renaissance Man retrieved April 4, 2014 (
 Alastair Stook (2014) Leonardo Da Vinci: Anatomy of an Artist retrieved April 9, 2014 (
(2012) Leonardo Da Vinci retrieved April 9, 2014
(2014, July) List of 5 Most Famous Artworks by Leonardo da Vinci retrieved April10, 2014
Christopher Lampton Top 10 Leonardo Da Vinci Inventions retrieved April 11, 2014 (

Anwesha (2013) 9 conpiracy theories about Mona Lisa retrieved April 11, 2014 (

(2012) Cracking the Da Vinci Code retrived April 11, 2014 (

Jennifer Welsh (2011, October 14) 'Lost' Da Vinci Portrait, and its Origins, Stir Controversy retrieved April 11, 2014 (

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